- After signing the deeds the property is all yours, though the taxes still need to be paid and your title inscribed in the property register.
- You will be given a copy (copia simple) of the deeds to take away after the signing. Each copy costs around 30 Euros so you should decide how many copies you want in advance. You can use the copia simple to do most things, such as set up utility contracts and pay taxes. A few days later your lawyer will be able to collect the original deeds signed by the notary (copia autorizada), which are needed to inscribe your title in the property register. In the meantime, the notary should have faxed notification of your purchase to the property registry immediately after the sale, thus blocking the register for 10 days and preventing anyone else from inscribing a claim to the same property during this period.
Calle San Cristóbal, num 8, 44580 Valderrobres Teruel - Spain
Tel: +34 687 941 288 - Contact form